Thealosophers 是兩個英文字「Theatre」與「Philosophers」的合併體。它聚集了一群對生活充滿好奇的人,懷著各式各樣的問題,又苦無頭緒。遂希望把劇場變成壓力鍋,讓不同的人和思想碰撞衝擊,以圖得到答案。

由行政總監梁偉然藝術總監譚劍偉創作總監羅金翡創立。他們相遇於理工劇社,相信劇場源於生活也超越生活,亦相信社會上不止三個人在思考,更相信每個人也是生活哲學家,逐引伸出創立 Thealosophers 的決定,希望把劇場變成壓力鍋,讓不同的哲學能碰撞沖擊,以圖得到答案從而製做更多問題。


Thealosophers is a combination of ‘Theatre’ and ‘Philosophers’, implying an identity of a group of people who seek to question and explore the philosophies of our daily life through the medium of theatre.

It was founded by Executive Director Ian Leung,  Creative Director Rackal Tam Kim Wai and Artistic Director Lo Kim Fei. The three founders met at the Drama Club of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and it was not too long before they realised that they shared a common vision and decided to join together and establish a place where theatre and philosophers meet – Thealosophers.

In Thealosophers’ terms, philosophers include anyone who questions their existence. The consistent questioning and a dedication to present the search for answers in an innovative manner marks the distinctive style of a Thealosophers’ production.